Monday, January 3, 2011

Tweeting on Twitter

At last...I'm Tweeting too! Actually, what started out as a learning experience has become quite interesting.  Initially, I thought this was one that I would not use but am having fun talking to others using it. There sure are some interesting people twitting out there....some are hilarious!

Twitter sometimes known as SMS of the Internet  has 190 million users, generating 65 million tweets a day and handling over 800,000 search queries per day (Wikipedia). You can narrow down your  methods of searching for information about an event or organisation by using #tags. Interesting to know that only 29 libraries to date use Twitter as a professional communications tool, and that includes Cockburn Library and Victoria Park Library.

If you'd like to tweet me, I am on elf2704


  1. I am just about to sign up for twitter! btw you blue bird is very cute!

  2. I am excited to see you on Twitter :) I really liked the link your sent me today, but you sent it as a message just to me instead of a tweet that everyone can read.

    You should re-tweet it with a #WAWeb20 hash tag and everyone doing the Web 2.0 training will be able to read it :)

    I can show you how to do this at work if you like :)

  3. Love the bird - he's so cute! Glad you are enjoying tweeting and twittering :)
