Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Adding widgets to display titles your catalogue was not at all what I expected it to be. (You can get more information on the 'how to..' from Google). There are different types of widgets like chat, news, RSS reader and many more. The reports on Delicious are that it will be shut down or sold off at some point in the near future and will not be affiliated with Yahoo.

Somewhere along finding sites that other people listed and wandering onto interesting topics I got lost. Really lost. I could not get back to my original starting point. Of course, I picked up a lot along the way and found  links I would normally not have looked at. It is a great way of peope sharing similar interests to share each other's bookmarks using tags, refining search results, using multiple tags and being able to delete or re-list tags.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Wiki's provide users with a range of information. The Games and Public Libraries Wiki allows writers to add information about events that were conducted at their library and the feedback received from customers. Allowing the public to post information here, does  not mean all the information posted is credible, although it allows people to share there ideas in a relaxed manor.

Using a Wiki within the library system can allow the libraries to share and generate ideas. For example, Young People Services (YPS) may wish to generate ideas about what to do in the next school holidays. You could keep this Wiki for internal staff only or allow customers write on the page. This will allow YPS to see what the customers want in the form of school holiday activities.

RSS Feeds

I am currently following these RSS Feeds
  • Citations from - Libraries Interact
  • Perth Now
  • Unshelved
  • WA News - The West Australian
  • Western Australia Public Libraries - Learning Web 2.0 Basics
RSS Feeds allow the user to view updates that occur on the web page all in one spot. For example, you can view all the above updates in one spot at Google Reader.

This technology will allow libraries to kept the public and other libraries updated as to what programs or events are upcoming and any feedback that was given.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Trolleys have many uses…..

Trolleys are ‘generally’ used for transportation and protect us from injuries caused by moving heavy loads around the workplace. They allow us to move more loads quickly and efficiently.

Trolleys come in many shapes and sizes – heavy duty platform trolleys, the scissor lift trolleys, trolleys designed for climbing stairs, the general purpose hand trolley, pallet trolleys and of course – the utility trolley that all of us are most familiar with.

While you could substitute certain trolleys for the task at hand, check out how these ingenious trolley-users have used their trolleys……

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Surfers paradise - so close to Perth!

If you are looking for a change from everyday life, this is a lovely time of the year to visit Lancelin -just an hour's drive from Perth. The holiday makers have not yet arrived with the hustle and bustle of the activities during the surfing season.

Lancelin is a small fishing town 94 km from Perth.  Back Beach is great for body-boarding, surfing and swimming. The sand dunes are super for body-boarding and quad bikes. Quad bike racing is fun and bikes are available on loan at the dunes.  There are plenty of restaurants and take-away places. The view from the top of the dunes is awesome! Be careful with your camera up there - it is common for cameras to get damaged with the fine sand particles from the very strong winds up on the dunes.
With the weather still cool, the wildflowers are still in bloom. The drive is beautiful ...through countryside scenery, stretches of canola fields and sheep farming. As you are nearing Lancelin, the drive along the coast is breathtaking with clear blue skies.

Copyright and Creative Commons do not apply to these pictures - I am the photographer! I chose to upload these subtle images from the drive up there rather than the other images in Lancelin because I was caught on camera 'rolling down' the dunes like a landslide!  I will save those images for 'Funniest home video'

Lancelin has been my favourite haunt for years and each trip is always special.