Sunday, November 28, 2010


Yeah! I've done it! Sent in my first (trial) Blog and have already received 2 comments. Will I learn a lot from this Web 2.0 training course? Do I really want to know how to blog, twitt, flck, wikk and all the other stuff mentioned in the training? You bet I do!

As information providers  it is our role to make sure that we are available to educate people on the uses of new technolgies. That's why it is so important for library staff to be aware of the current technologies being used in libraries. Libraries can use blogs to help their patrons research tips, website reviews  and share information with other libraries. Patrons can post questions, and get the information they need instantly.

Advertising the libraries on-going programmes as well as the special events would be great especially when the staff receive feedback from blogs before, during and after the events. Libraries can also share information with other libraries such as promotional ideas. Library customers could be introduced to the reading resources and databases available on-line - a great way of marketing the libraries' resources. What if --  all our customers could blog? We'd save on all those posters and flyers, staff time designing them, printing, ink .....and so many trees would be saved!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Body language

What we say is often not what we feel or think. 'It's how you looked when you said it, not what you actually said'.  Our  facial expressions, gestures, volume, tone and speed of speech reveal hidden meanings. Body language is a form of communication. 'Researchers at Harvard University showed women are far more accurate in decoding body language than men. Women have between fourteen and sixteen areas of the brain to evaluate other's behaviour versus a man's four to six areas'. (Pease, A. & Pease, B. 2005).

The study of body movement and expression is known as kinesics. If you are interested in learning about the secrets of body language to give you confidence and control in any situation, then come to your library and browse through our books on this topic. You will find these books shelved at 153.69. If the title you are looking for is not on shelf, our friendly staff will order it in for you.